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Gotcha Covered in the News

Simplified Territory Checks

We want to better serve you, and here's one way we can do that. We want to get back to you on territory checks as fast as possible, and we developed an internal process to make sure you never have to wait. Simply send your territory checks to...

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Gotcha Inspired: No Design Experience Needed

At Gotcha Covered, we're always looking for ways to leverage technology to help our franchise owners be more successful. Our latest release is a robust design tool called Gotcha Inspired that helps our franchisees work with their clients to identify their design...

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New Commercial Co-Op Program

 One of the advantages our Gotcha Covered franchisees have are the multiple market segments with access to both residential and commercial business. We wanted to help our franchisees expand their commercial market opportunities. That's why we developed the Commercial...

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New Features Added to CRM

Gotcha Covered remains the technology leader in the window covering industry, and the gap just got a little wider. This month, we added 2 new features to our CRM to help further streamline business for our franchisees. Introducing automated text messaging and pay now!...

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