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Gotcha Covered in the News

Digging Deeper Into Gotcha Covered

We have another tool to add to your arsenal when presenting Gotcha Covered to your candidates. What better way for your candidates to see an overview of the opportunity than directly from Gotcha Covered President, Paul Linenberg? Take a minute to watch the short video...

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November Training Class Graduates

Our latest training class graduate are ready to kick off their new businesses and put all their newly acquired knowledge to work. We are pleased to introduce the latest members of our group of incredible franchisees. Monica Savitsky - Etobicoke, ON Monica joins Gotcha...

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New Franchise Consultant Toolkit!

Gotcha Covered has just launched a new and improved toolkit to provide you everything you need to know to effectively present Gotcha Covered to your candidates in one place. www.gotchacoveredfranchising.com/toolkit   The website is password protected, so be sure to...

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Gotcha Covered Breast Cancer Awareness 2017

We are proud to announce, on behalf of our entire franchisee base, our 3rd annual campaign designed to increase awareness and raise funds for breast cancer research through the month of October. We have chosen a charity to support through this important campaign,...

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