Thank you for your interest in Gotcha Covered
A member of our team will be contacting you soon. In the meantime, please take a look at our Information Packet to learn more about how Gotcha Covered can make your dreams a reality.
Prioritizing family time and finances tend to be a balancing act for most. That’s one of the reasons Gressa Schroeder of St. Paul, Minnesota started looking for another business. And that’s exactly what she found with Gotcha Covered when she joined in 2016.
Gressa had a business background, but she wasn’t making what she thought her time was worth. With the same time investment at Gotcha Covered, she’s achieved financial independence in “a cool, collaborative environment” she was missing from her last business. Even better, she explains in the video below how this refreshed her spirit and was just what she didn’t know she needed.
Your candidates will appreciate hearing how quickly this business can produce a substantial income and how enjoyable it can be in the process. Gressa’s story isn’t unique at Gotcha Covered. Your candidates will hear similar stories throughout validation.
For even more information about how to present Gotcha Covered, links to this and other video testimonials and so much more, check out our online consultant toolkit using the link and password below:
Password: gotcha
A Gotcha Covered franchise provides a lifestyle business with extraordinary profit potential through high margins and low operating expenses, all within a very cash-flow friendly model.
Utilizing our powerful and proprietary design software, our franchisees sell virtually everything for the interior of a window, both for the residential and commercial markets. Our extensive offering includes blinds, shades, shutters, window film, and fabric treatments such as draperies, curtains, swags, and cascades, covering hundreds of custom window treatments and accessory options.
Think of me as a resource to answer any questions you may have about how we like to do business. Feel free to call at 720.407.8618 or 800.200.0835 x331. You can also email me directly at
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Paul Linenberg