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Gotcha Covered in the News

Facebook Marketing Strategy

Gotcha Covered is always working to stay ahead of the digital marketing trends, and Facebook is one area we really excel. It's a fantastic tool to capture new business. We employ a variety of tools to produce more leads with less effort through Facebook. As part of...

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Meet David & Janice Smith

David and Janice Smith had long, successful careers in the corporate world, but they've been dreaming of owning their own business for a long time. It was 10 years ago that they explored franchises and looked into another window covering business. They just didn't...

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This Thing Is Absolutely Brilliant

A few months ago, we introduced you to our online Consultant Toolkit. It's been a big hit! Here's what your colleagues have to say about it: What's in this "brilliant" toolkit? It's everything you need to know to effectively present Gotcha Covered to your client....

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March Training Class Graduates

We had a fantastic group of new franchisees come through training this month, and we know they have a very bright future with the Gotcha Covered family. FUN and RANDOM FACT: All but one of our new franchisees was born outside North America! Asha Patel, Naperville, IL...

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