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Gotcha Covered in the News

Introducing Our April 2017 Training Class

Our training classes are coming fast and furious to accommodate our growth this year. We just completed another full session last week, and we have another in just a few weeks. We are pleased to introduce our latest group of incredible franchisees: Blessing Oghobaase...

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Gotcha Covered Launches Reputation.com

At Gotcha Covered, we are always looking for new ways to add value for our franchisees. As another great resource to help them grow their businesses, Gotcha Covered has just launched Reputation.com as a way for our franchisees to increase and manage their online...

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February 2017 Training Class

We are pleased to share with you the exciting news about our newest group of franchisees! We have another full training coming up in just a couple weeks. John Brynda Knoxville, TN John joins Gotcha Covered after a varied career spent mostly in the marketing field....

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